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Frequently Asked Questions

Who, what, when, where, why?

How much do speakers cost?

Fees will vary, so comedians and after dinner speakers start from around £750, business speakers start from around £1,250, celebrities and well known names are more expensive. The Right Address specialise in corporate events and are not in a position to handle expenses only or no fee charity events.

How do I check availability and price of a particular speaker?

Simply give our team a call on +44(0)1895 827800 and we’ll do that for you. You might find it helpful to read our 10 tops tips for selecting a speaker before giving us a call.

Do I pay for using The Right Address?

Fees are only due when a speaker or performer is confirmed. You can enjoy a free consulting service, independent recommendations, a high level of attention to detail and many additional services at no extra cost to you.

How can I preview speakers, bands or entertainment?

Some have show reels. If you can’t find what you need, please ask us.

What are the typical costs I can anticipate when I book a speaker?

Typical expenses include the speaking fee, audio/visual expenses, travel expenses (rail and air fares are generally business class), overnight accommodation if required, and meals or refreshments.

How could I save money on expenses?

Try booking a business presenter, comedian or after dinner speaker close to your meeting venue and ask for expenses to be quantified in advance.

Will the speaker attend special VIP events such as a reception or dinner?

Many speakers will agree to attend a special event prior or following their presentation at no additional charge. Some will not. It is important to make your requests known in advance and include this in the contract.

What if I have to cancel?

Cancellation fees are due if a contracted engagement has to be cancelled. The fees can be dependent on circumstances. Any cancellations are requested in writing and will be dealt with individually.

What if a speaker is ill?

It doesn’t happen very often but with our vast database of speakers we will be able to provide a replacement.

I don’t want to book a speaker, just contact them, can I do that?

Regrettably, no. We can not pass on requests for autographs, photographs or details of how to contact the people on our books other than for professional speaking engagements or other related work. Neither can we pass on personal emails or letters. We respectfully ask you not to contact us unless you are interested in booking speakers as we do not act as personal managers.

About Right Address Motivational Speakers