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“Rigged” True Story of Banking Published

Andrew Verity keynote speaker

“Rigged” True Story of Banking Published

Economics correspondent, financial presenter, broadcaster and keynote speaker Andrew Verity has recently published ‘Rigged.’  The book tells the true and compelling story of one of the worst global finance scandals.

From start to finish the book digs into the truth of how defendants are manipulated, whilst the real offenders who walk free and unpunished.  The book exposes how many banks told traders to bring Libor interest rate down – lowballing.   This left traders to become whistleblowers, alerting the authority of wrong doing.  However, the whistleblowers themselves ended up prosecuted.  In the event, between 2015-2019, thirty-seven traders were accused of ‘rigging.’  Nineteen of them were sentenced and convicted.  Andrew Verity’s book gives reasoning for why they were all innocent and how many of the real offenders covered their tracks when the story broke.

Economist, Ann Pettifor says that, “This book is a must-read for investors, economists and bankers – and all those wary of global ‘markets’ in money or commodities. It is the story of a judicial system that punished whistle-blowers not perpetrators. Above all, it’s the story of how a rigorous investigative journalist, some brave whistle-blowers and the US courts, cracked open a closed and corrupt circuit of London bankers.”

Other reviews include the following from broadcaster and journalist, Jeremy Paxman: “If you’ve ever suspected the banking system of operating in someone else’s interest than yours, you’re right. It is a world of clever, amoral young people endlessly searching for ways to bend the rules. We badly need men in white hats to control them. Verity mercilessly demonstrates we ain’t got ‘em.  Andy Verity is a reporter’s reporter.  If only there were more like him.”


Andrew Verity is an award-winning Economics Correspondent for the news.  He covers stories on a wide range of subjects within finance and business on the radio and TV, including Radio Four’s Six O’clock News or presenting on Panorama.

Topics he has covered include Brexit, the pandemic in 2020 and post-pandemic with how these huge events have affected inflation.  In addition he covers the war in Ukraine and how that has also led to some inflation in the UK.

On Panorama, Andrew has presented investigative stories which highlight some highly impactful information on how England played a part of the Libor interest rate rigging scandal.

Andrew has also presented a documentary exploiting the truth of money laundering in London by a Ukranian gang.  In addition, with a more recent exposure, Andrew looked into the organised crime of money laundering within sales of illegal drugs that are in the UK from gold markets in Dubai.

Why he is an important keynote speaker, moderator and host for corporate events

Andrew Verity has established himself in the world of business and finance as a fearless commentator, with an ability to expose the truth. He has a huge breadth of knowledge relevant to businesses and associations.  Furthermore, his research has set out to bring balance and eliminate improper justice and criminal activity within the business and financial world.

Andy is a highly accomplished moderator, event host and speaker for conferences and events drawing on his business, economic and financial expertise.  Specifically, he is a thought provoking speaker, leaving audiences with a better understanding of events that have happened in the past which impact the now.

Blog written & posted by Tamar Duncan July 2023

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