01 Apr Healthier Work Spaces by Oliver Heath Speaker
Drawing on his expertise in sustainable architecture and interior design, one of our famous environment and sustainability speakers Oliver Heath has been using his immense knowledge in biophilic design to share his quick and easy tips to improve our health and wellbeing. This is especially relevant in these difficult times while our access outside is dramatically reduced.
Oliver is encouraging us all to create healthier work spaces to improve creativity, communication, productivity and mental wellbeing.
The notion of biophilic design dates as far back as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, even though the name is fairly recent. Biophilic design is the concept of connecting us to the natural environment. It aims to create working and living environments that integrate the natural elements. That is those we unconsciously feel most at ease with. These elements may include indirect daylight, plants, water feature and fresh air amongst other minimally processed materials.
Experts use biophilic design usually at building design stage. However, it is becoming more widely used at town and city level planning as well. They argue that this idea has environmental, economic, health, and environmental benefits for the occupants of the buildings as well as the urban environments.
“Something as simple as installing timber walls could have a huge impact,” says the architectural and interior designer Oliver Heath. “Real wood creates a sense of calm and also brings visual texture, which makes it ideal for domestic interiors.”
As well as being a published author, Oliver also has a number of world-known design clients in his name. He is also a regular speaker on the subject of sustainable homes and lifestyles at prestigious design events. These include the Ideal Home Show, Grand Designs Live, EcoBuild, 100% Design, and the National Home Improvement Show.
If you would like to book environmental speakers, such as Oliver or any other after dinner speakers, please get in touch with The Right Address 0 1895 827 800. We would be more than happy to find you the speaker that best suits your event.
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