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Communication Is In Our Hands

Martin brooks body language expert

Communication Is In Our Hands

Body Language expert and author of Body Language Decoder, Martin Brooks, believes the secret to being a more effective communicator lies literally, in our hands.

Better use of body language helps leaders to be perceived as more confident, credible and charismatic. That perception helps leaders gain the “nirvana” that all leaders want – “Buy in”. The ability to be able to convince, influence and motivate those they communicate with, at the highest possible level.

Communication is in our hands

For years Martin studied top communicators, to better understand how they used their body language to achieve this. He wanted to see what specific behaviours and gestures contributed to their success. Being a regular keynote speaker, Martin was able to try out the things he observed with his audiences, to fine tune what in business standard communication.

Martin is not alone in wanting to understand how body language helps leaders better engage their audience. In an article published in the Harvard Business Review, Professor Joep Cornelissen at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam carried out a study on the effects on an audience, of better body language. Against a test group who didn’t use their body language, Professor Cornelissen found an increase in interest in the audience that were on the receiving end of speakers who used their body language better when communicating. Both groups were communicating the exact same message, but the audiences that experienced better body language, were, on average, 12% more interested in what was being said to them. The secret to their success was literally, in their hands.  He says;

It’s incredible when something you believe in your gut, is scientifically proven with statistical evidence. I had always “known” effective body language gave leaders an advantage over those that didn’t use their body language effectively, but the logical side of my mind would always remind me this was anecdotal evidence. This belief lacked the statistical evidence to back it up. Now more and more studies – not to mention AI, can show the direct link between better use of body language and better audience engagement.”


Martin Brooks has over 20 years experience as a communications coach and trainer, working with senior executives all over the world. He has helped them, and their teams, creative competitive advantage by being able to communicate with more confidence, credibility and charisma. His analysis of the world’s top communicators allowed him to teach specific behaviours and gestures top world leaders used, to his clients. He says;

Watching Barak Obama’s first inauguration address, I was fascinated by how he would transit from candidate, to commander in chief. One hand gesture I noticed he use was the softened fist gesture frequently used by his predecessor, Bill Clinton. I call this gesture the, “Thumb of power”. In his inauguration address, Obama used this gesture 93 times. This was just one gesture I share with my clients that enables them to boost their credibility as leaders. It was always a wonderful experience to see leaders grow in confidence using gestures and behaviours used by the world’s top communicators that I had highlighted.”

Media & Publication

Martin’s observations have also featured in the media. His body language analysis has appeared on the BBC, LBC radio and he was asked to ask to provide live body language feedback on Mark Zuckerberg’s US Senate appearance for the Discovery Channel.

In 2021  Martin’s observations of how to better use our body language, was published in his critically acclaimed work, Body Language Decoder. The 50-card deck covers his observations of body language in a number of areas including, Confidence, Connection and how to show Conviction when communicating.  He says;

As Body Language is visual, I didn’t want to write a wordy book. Each card in Body Language decoder has a beautifully illustrated example of body language on one side and a written explanation on the other side.

Whether it’s in my coaching of a pitch team preparing for a big pitch, a leader preparing a big keynote speech, or an individual prepping for an interview, I know better use of their body language gives them a better chance of success. Business leaders understand the idea of competitive advantage and better use of Body Language boosts their chances of achieving it. The secret to our increased success really does lie in our hands.”

Speaking testimonials

“I was excited to have Martin come and share his insights and practical hints and tips with our consultants at an internal event. His session was fun and informative. I would definitely recommend Martin if you want to improve the power and impact of your words with gestures.” Guy Stephens, Head of Microlearning IBM Consulting.

“Martin ran a brilliant online session for my team. Martin came highly recommended and I can see why.” Emma Tingley, Head of Partnerships, Macmillan Cancer Support.

“I would highly recommend Martin Brooks, I was presenting at the Emirates Airlines innovation day, where Martin also delivered an exceptional keynote talk. I couldn’t recommend Martin enough.” – Jude Ower MBE, Founder/ CEO Playmob.

“Martin is a brilliant speaker. Watching him present to over 200 students here at Oxford Brookes University, I was so impressed. Martin developed a bespoke session that really engaged the audience and provided invaluable advice.”  Angel Maher, Board Director at Flight Hospitality.

“Martin provided a highly engaging virtual event for members of the boom! community. The feedback from our members has been fantastic. I have no hesitation in recommending Martin to anyone considering booking him for a virtual event. Beth Morgan, Founder & CEO at boom! – The Global Community for Women in Supply Chain

Get in touch

To have Martin give an inspirational presentation at your next event please get in touch with us at the Right Address: info@therightaddress / +44 (0)1895 827 800

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